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Learn & Improve

Book a lesson with E.G.T.F Professional Golf Coach Paul Kent and benefit not only from the latest coaching ideas but enjoy the benefit of Herefordshire Golf Indoors' simulator technology.

Gone are the days of standing in a windy field where you are watched hitting shots and  occasionally corrected.  Using the instant video technology to assess and adjust you can enjoy a truly interactive learning experience.  Paul's goal is to improve your game - your way. By learning your golfing objectives, Paul will work alongside you to get you to where you want to go.

Golf Lessons with our Pro Paul
Paul Kent Pro Qualified
Golf Indoors Leominster Lesson with Paul the Pro
European Golf Teachers Federation

Single 45 minute lesson                             £40

Block of 5 x 45 minute lessons                 £160 

Block of 10 x 45 minute lessons               £300

all lessons include a free hot or cold drink.

Call 07599 900969 or email

to book now

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